The stand

Feb 8, 2013

01 KevlarKimonoprojectOne of the most amazing things about this project is the way people have come forward to help. A filmmaker has offered her services, friends have stepped up to help do screen printing when the time comes for that.

A sculptor friend, Ryan Lamfers, when he heard about the project, asked how it would be displayed. Would I like for him to build me a stand?

I didn’t even know what to say, but felt deeply grateful for his expertise and assistance. We worked out a design once the prototype kimono was made, and a couple of weeks ago, he delivered the most beautiful, simply elegant stand made from steel he’d been able to salvage. The top of the stand is seven feet off the ground, making it an imposing presence.

What’s more, it comes apart for easy transport, which means the piece can easily travel. I’m inspired by having it in the studio, and each day I make a little more progress toward the completed piece because of that. Somedays, it’s just a a tiny step, but even that little bit of progress gets me closer to completion.