A prototype

Feb 15, 2013

02 KevlarKimonoproject

When I began looking at old kimonos, I realized that I needed to make a test version, to work out the pattern, and understand the best way to construct the garment. Once I got into the silk and Kevlar® version, it would be too late to make many amendments to the pattern, if I didn’t like the way it was coming together.

I found Folkwear pattern #113, which is called a Japanese Kimono, but is in fact more an unlined yukata than a kimono. I wanted to have a lined version, to accommodate the Kevlar® and also to give the final garment more heft, so to speak, than an unlined garment. I ended up using the Folkwear pattern as a starting point, then added a lining and figured out the best way to construct the garment, taking notes all along the way.

I made a lot of mistakes, but better on the prototype version than on the final one. I also called all my years of  garment-sewing experience into service.

The prototype is built from cotton muslin, and doesn’t quite reach the base of the stand. The final version will be constructed of hand-dyed silk dupioni, layered with hand-printed silk organza collages, (and photos) and lined with hand-dyed silk habotai and Kevlar®.